Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL)

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL) Institution Overview

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL) was founded in 1997

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL)'s logo

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL) logo

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL)'s Buildings

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL) buildings

Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL)'s Physical and Postal Address

54 Riverside Drive, San Fernando

San Fernando


Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL)'s Contact Details

Phone Number: 1-868-657-6528 / 1-868-379-0751

Email Address:


Certificate Short Courses and Programs offered at Professional School of Accountancy Limited (PSAL)

  1. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
  2. Certificate in taxation
  3. Foundations in Accountancy
  4. Peachtree Accounting Software

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