
Wesley Theological Seminary

Wesley Theological Seminary Institution Overview

Wesley Theological Seminary was founded in 1882

Wesley Theological Seminary's logo

Wesley Theological Seminary logo

Wesley Theological Seminary's Buildings

Wesley Theological Seminary buildings

Wesley Theological Seminary's Physical and Postal Address

4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC


, 20016

Wesley Theological Seminary's Contact Details

Phone Number: +1 202.885.8600

Email Address:


Doctorate Programs offered at Wesley Theological Seminary

  1. Doctor of Ministry

Masters Programs offered at Wesley Theological Seminary

  1. Master of Arts
  2. Master of Divinity
  3. Master of Theological Studies

Graduate Certificate Programs offered at Wesley Theological Seminary

  1. Graduate Certificate in Children and Youth Ministry and Advocacy

Certificate Short Courses and Programs offered at Wesley Theological Seminary

  1. Certificate in Faith & Public Life
  2. Certificate in Theological Studies in US Contexts
  3. Certificate in Christian Studies

Related Courses