
University of Cape Town (UCT)

University of Cape Town (UCT) Institution Overview

University of Cape Town (UCT) was founded in 1829

University of Cape Town (UCT)'s logo

University of Cape Town (UCT) logo

University of Cape Town (UCT)'s Buildings

University of Cape Town (UCT) buildings

University of Cape Town (UCT)'s Physical and Postal Address

Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Cape Town

Private Bag X3, Rondebosch , 7701

University of Cape Town (UCT)'s Contact Details

Phone Number: +27 (0)21 650 9111

Email Address:


PhD Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. PhD in African Languages and Literature
  2. PhD in African Studies
  3. PhD in Afrikaans
  4. PhD in Anthropology
  5. PhD in Arabic Languages and Literature
  6. PhD in Archaeology
  7. PhD in Art Historical Studies
  8. PhD in Business Administration
  9. PhD in classical studies
  10. PhD in Criminology
  11. PhD in Dance
  12. PhD in Economics
  13. PhD in Education
  14. PhD in Film Studies
  15. PhD in Fine Arts
  16. PhD in French Language and Literature
  17. PhD in Gender Studies
  18. PhD in Geography and Environmental Studies
  19. PhD in German Language and Literature
  20. PhD in Hebrew Language and Literature
  21. PhD in Historical Studies
  22. PhD in Industrial Sociology
  23. PhD in Italian Language and Literature
  24. PhD in Library and Information Studies
  25. PhD in Media Studies
  26. PhD in Music
  27. PhD in Political Studies
  28. PhD in Public Administration
  29. PhD in Religious Studies
  30. PhD in Social Development Professions
  31. PhD in Social Work
  32. PhD in Sociology
  33. PhD in Spanish
  34. PhD in Theatre
  35. PhD in Linguistics
  36. PhD in Information Systems
  37. PhD in Psychology
  38. PhD in Philosophy
  39. PhD in English Language and Literature

Doctorate Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. Doctor of Science
  2. Doctor of Medicine
  3. Doctor of Science in Engineering
  4. Doctor of Architecture
  5. Doctor of Economic Sciences
  6. Doctor of Science in Medicine
  7. Doctor of Laws
  8. Doctor of Philosophy

Masters Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. Master of African Languages and Literature
  2. Master of Afrikaans
  3. Master of Applied Finance
  4. Master of Arabic Language and Literature
  5. Master of Archaeology
  6. Master of Architecture
  7. Master of Architecture Professional
  8. Master of Arts in Afrikaans
  9. Master of Arts in Applied Drama and Theatre Studies
  10. Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and African Languages
  11. Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
  12. Master of Arts in Creative Writing
  13. Master of Arts in Documentary Arts
  14. Master of Arts in Dramaturgy
  15. Master of Arts in Economics
  16. Master of Arts in Film and Television Studies
  17. Master of Arts in Fine Art
  18. Master of Arts in Global Media
  19. Master of Arts in Historical Studies
  20. Master of Arts in Industrial Sociology
  21. Master of Arts in Literary Studies in English
  22. Master of Arts in Media Theory and Practice
  23. Master of Arts in Neuropsychology
  24. Master of Arts in Philosophy
  25. Master of Arts in Political Communication
  26. Master of Arts in Politics
  27. Master of Arts in Practical Anthropology
  28. Master of Arts in Psychological Research
  29. Master of Arts in Religious Studies
  30. Master of Arts in Social Sciences in Economic Development
  31. Master of Arts in Sociology
  32. Master of Arts in Theatre and Performance
  33. Master of Business Administration in Executive Management
  34. Master of City and Regional Planning
  35. Master of Classical Studies or Latin or Greek
  36. Master of Commerce
  37. Master of Commerce in Actuarial Science​
  38. Master of Commerce in Applied Economics
  39. Master of Commerce in Corporate Finance and Valuation
  40. Master of Commerce in Development Finance
  41. Master of Commerce in Economic Development
  42. Master of Commerce in Economic Sciences
  43. Master of Commerce in Economics
  44. Master of Commerce in Finance
  45. Master of Commerce in Financial Management
  46. Master of Commerce in Financial Reporting, Analysis and Governance
  47. Master of Commerce in Information Systems
  48. Master of Commerce in International Taxation
  49. Master of Commerce in Investment Management
  50. Master of Commerce in Risk Management of Financial Markets
  51. Master of Commerce in South African Income Tax
  52. Master of Commerce in Taxation
  53. Master of Criminology
  54. Master of Dance
  55. Master of Development Policy and Practice
  56. Master of Economics
  57. Master of Engineering
  58. Master of Engineering in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance
  59. Master of English
  60. Master of Environmental and Geographical Studies
  61. Master of Film Studies
  62. Master of Fine Arts
  63. Master of French Language and Literature
  64. Master of Gender Studies
  65. Master of Geotechnical Engineering
  66. Master of German Language and Literature
  67. Master of Historical Studies
  68. Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  69. Master of Industrial Sociology
  70. Master of Italian Language and Literature
  71. Master of Laws in Commercial Law
  72. Master of Laws in Comparative Business Law in Africa
  73. Master of Laws in Constitutional and Administrative Law
  74. Master of Laws in Criminology, Law and Society
  75. Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution Law
  76. Master of Laws in Environmental Law
  77. Master of Laws in Human Rights Law
  78. Master of Laws in Intellectual Property
  79. Master of Laws in International Law
  80. Master of Laws in International Taxation Law
  81. Master of Laws in International Trade Law
  82. Master of Laws in Labour Law
  83. Master of Laws in Law of Mineral and Petroleum Extraction and Use
  84. Master of Laws in Marine and Environmental Law
  85. Master of Laws in Private Law and Human Rights
  86. Master of Laws in Public Law
  87. Master of Laws in Shipping Law
  88. Master of Laws in Tax Law
  89. Master of Linguistics
  90. Master of Management in International Management
  91. Master of Media Studies
  92. Master of Medical Science in Genetic Counselling
  93. Master of Medical Science in Radiation Oncology
  94. Master of Medicine Emergency Medicine
  95. Master of Medicine in Anaesthesia
  96. Master of Medicine in Anatomical Pathology
  97. Master of Medicine in Cardiothoracic Surgery
  98. Master of Medicine in Chemical Pathology
  99. Master of Medicine in Clinical Pathology
  100. Master of Medicine in Clinical Pharmacology
  101. Master of Medicine in Dermatology
  102. Master of Medicine in Diagnostic Radiology
  103. Master of Medicine in Family Medicine
  104. Master of Medicine in Forensic Pathology
  105. Master of Medicine in Haematological Pathology
  106. Master of Medicine in Medical Genetics
  107. Master of Medicine in Medicine
  108. Master of Medicine in Microbiological Pathology
  109. Master of Medicine in Neurology
  110. Master of Medicine in Neurosurgery
  111. Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  112. Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology
  113. Master of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery
  114. Master of Medicine in Otorhinolaryngology
  115. Master of Medicine in Paediatrics
  116. Master of Medicine in Paediatrics Surgery
  117. Master of Medicine in Psychiatry
  118. Master of Medicine in Public Health Medicine
  119. Master of Medicine in Surgery
  120. Master of Medicine in Urology
  121. Master of Medicine in Virological Pathology
  122. Master of Medicine Occupational Medicine
  123. Master of Medicine Surgery in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  124. Master of Nursing in Child Nursing
  125. Master of Paediatric Neurosurgery
  126. Master of People Management
  127. Master of Philosophy
  128. Master of Philosophy in Addictions Mental Health
  129. Master of Philosophy in Advanced Hepatology and Transplantation
  130. Master of Philosophy in Africa Studies
  131. Master of Philosophy in Allergology
  132. Master of Philosophy in Analytical Population Research
  133. Master of Philosophy in Biokinetics
  134. Master of Philosophy in Biomedical Forensic Science
  135. Master of Philosophy in Cardiology
  136. Master of Philosophy in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  137. Master of Philosophy in Clinical Emergency Care
  138. Master of Philosophy in Clinical Haematology
  139. Master of Philosophy in Clinical Paediatric Surgery
  140. Master of Philosophy in Clinical Pharmacology
  141. Master of Philosophy in Critical Care
  142. Master of Philosophy in Development Policy and Practice
  143. Master of Philosophy in Development Studies
  144. Master of Philosophy in Developmental Paediatrics
  145. Master of Philosophy in Digital Curation
  146. Master of Philosophy in Disaster Medicine
  147. Master of Philosophy in Emergency Medicine
  148. Master of Philosophy in Endocrinology
  149. Master of Philosophy in Environmental Humanities
  150. Master of Philosophy in Financial Technology
  151. Master of Philosophy in Fine Art
  152. Master of Philosophy in Forensic Mental Health
  153. Master of Philosophy in Geriatric Medicine
  154. Master of Philosophy in Global Emergency Care
  155. Master of Philosophy in Gynaecological Oncology​
  156. Master of Philosophy in Health Innovation
  157. Master of Philosophy in Inclusive Innovation
  158. Master of Philosophy in Infectious Disease and HIV Medicine
  159. Master of Philosophy in Intellectual Disability
  160. Master of Philosophy in Justice and Transformation
  161. Master of Philosophy in Liaison Mental Health
  162. Master of Philosophy in Maternal and Child Health
  163. Master of Philosophy in Maternal and Foetal Medicine
  164. Master of Philosophy in Mathematical Finance
  165. Master of Philosophy in Medical Gastroenterology
  166. Master of Philosophy in Neonatology
  167. Master of Philosophy in Nephrology
  168. Master of Philosophy in Neuropsychiatry
  169. Master of Philosophy in Occupational Health
  170. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Cardiology
  171. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Critical Care​
  172. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Endocrinology​​
  173. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Forensic Pathology
  174. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Gastroenterology
  175. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
  176. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Nephrology
  177. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Neurology
  178. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Oncology
  179. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Pulmonology​
  180. Master of Philosophy in Paediatric Rheumatology
  181. Master of Philosophy in Palliative Medicine
  182. Master of Philosophy in Patient Safety and Clinical Decision-making
  183. Master of Philosophy in People Management
  184. Master of Philosophy in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  185. Master of Philosophy in Programme Evaluation
  186. Master of Philosophy in Public Policy and Administration
  187. Master of Philosophy in Pulmonology
  188. Master of Philosophy in Reproductive Medicine
  189. Master of Philosophy in Rheumatology​
  190. Master of Philosophy in Sport and Exercise Medicine
  191. Master of Philosophy in Surgical Gastroenterology
  192. Master of Philosophy in Theories of Justice and Inequality
  193. Master of Philosophy in Trauma Surgery
  194. Master of Philosophy in Urogynaecology
  195. Master of Philosophy in Vascular Surgery
  196. Master of Political Studies
  197. Master of Psychology
  198. Master of Public Health in Community Eye Health
  199. Master of Public Health in Environmental Health
  200. Master of Public Health in Health Economics
  201. Master of Public Health in Health Systems
  202. Master of Public Health in Social and Behavioural Sciences
  203. Master of Religious Studies
  204. Master of Science in Audiology
  205. Master of Science in Engineering
  206. Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Physiotherapy
  207. Master of Science in Medicine
  208. Master of Science in Nuclear Medicine
  209. Master of Science in Physiotherapy
  210. Master of Science in Project Management
  211. Master of Science in Property Studies
  212. Master of Social Development
  213. Master of Social Planning and Administration
  214. Master of Social Sciences in Applied Economics
  215. Master of Social Sciences in Criminal Justice Social Work
  216. Master of Social Sciences in Economic Development
  217. Master of Social Sciences in Economics
  218. Master of Social Sciences in Gender and Transformation
  219. Master of Social Sciences in Global Studies
  220. Master of Social Sciences in Industrial Sociology
  221. Master of Social Sciences in International Relations
  222. Master of Social Sciences in Philosophy
  223. Master of Social Sciences in Political Communication
  224. Master of Social Sciences in Politics
  225. Master of Social Sciences in Practical Anthropology
  226. Master of Social Sciences in Religious Studies
  227. Master of Social Sciences in Social Development
  228. Master of Social Sciences in Social Policy and Management
  229. Master of Social Sciences in Sociology
  230. Master of Social Work
  231. Master of Social Work in Clinical Social Work
  232. Master of Spanish Language and Literature
  233. Master of Teaching French as a Foreign Language
  234. Master of Theatre
  235. Master of Transport Studies
  236. Master of Urban Design
  237. Master of Water Engineering
  238. Professional Master of Laws in Commercial Law
  239. Professional Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution
  240. Professional Master of Laws in Environmental Law
  241. Professional Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Law
  242. Professional Master of Laws in International Trade Law
  243. Professional Master of Laws in Labour Law
  244. Professional Master of Laws in Law of Mineral and Petroleum Extraction and Use
  245. Professional Master of Laws in Marine and Environmental Law
  246. Professional Master of Laws in Private Law and Human Rights
  247. Professional Master of Laws in Shipping Law
  248. Professional Master of Laws in Tax Law
  249. Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
  250. Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
  251. Master of Laws
  252. Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
  253. Master of Library and Information Studies
  254. Master of Arts in International Relations
  255. Master of Landscape Architecture
  256. Master of Sociology
  257. Master of Business Administration
  258. Master of Science
  259. Master of Public Health
  260. Master of Public Health in Epidemiology
  261. Master of Music
  262. Master of Science in Nursing
  263. Master of Education
  264. Master of Arts in Linguistics

Postgraduate Diploma Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Development Policy and Practice
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in Survey Data Analysis
  3. Postgraduate Certificate in Foundation Phase Teaching
  4. Postgraduate Certificate in Further Education Training Teaching
  5. Postgraduate Certificate in Intermediate Phase Teaching
  6. Postgraduate Certificate in Senior Phase and Further Education Training Teaching
  7. Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
  8. Postgraduate Diploma in Actuarial Science​​
  9. Postgraduate Diploma in Addiction Care
  10. Postgraduate Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training
  11. Postgraduate Diploma in African Studies
  12. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Developmental Paediatrics
  13. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Electrophysiology and Epilepsy
  14. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Hepatology
  15. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Cardiology
  16. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Critical Care
  17. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Diabetes
  18. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Emergency Care
  19. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Gastroenterology
  20. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Haematology and Oncology
  21. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Nephrology
  22. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Physiotherapy
  23. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Pulmonology
  24. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Paediatric Rheumatology
  25. Postgraduate Diploma in Community and General Paediatrics
  26. Postgraduate Diploma in Community Eye Health
  27. Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy
  28. Postgraduate Diploma in Criminology, Law and Society Law
  29. Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance​
  30. Postgraduate Diploma in Disability Studies
  31. Postgraduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution Law
  32. Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership and Management
  33. Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Technology
  34. Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Care
  35. Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Law
  36. Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine
  37. Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art
  38. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics
  39. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Leadership
  40. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education
  41. Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Technology and Management
  42. Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education
  43. Postgraduate Diploma in Interdisciplinary Pain Management
  44. Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Law
  45. Postgraduate Diploma in Law
  46. Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies
  47. Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Business Communication
  48. Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Entrepreneurship
  49. Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Information Systems
  50. Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Marketing
  51. Postgraduate Diploma in Management in Sport
  52. Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practice
  53. Postgraduate Diploma in Marine and Environmental Law
  54. Postgraduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health
  55. Postgraduate Diploma in Music Performance
  56. Postgraduate Diploma in Neonatology
  57. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Care
  58. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Child Nursing
  59. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Critical Care Nursing
  60. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Nephrology Nursing
  61. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Occupational Health
  62. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Paediatric Radiology
  63. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Palliative Medicine
  64. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with Pesticide Risk Management
  65. Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing with TB-HIV Management
  66. Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering
  67. Postgraduate Diploma in Public Sector Accounting
  68. Postgraduate Diploma in Shipping Law
  69. Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Law

Bachelor Degree Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. Bachelor of Architectural Studies
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Production
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts
  4. Bachelor of Arts in Music Education
  5. Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Performance
  6. Bachelor of Business Science in Actuarial Science
  7. Bachelor of Business Science in Analytics
  8. Bachelor of Business Science in Computer Science
  9. Bachelor of Business Science in Economics
  10. Bachelor of Business Science in Economics with Law
  11. Bachelor of Business Science in Finance
  12. Bachelor of Business Science in Finance with Accounting
  13. Bachelor of Business Science in Information Systems
  14. Bachelor of Business Science in Marketing
  15. Bachelor of Business Science in Organisational Psychology
  16. Bachelor of Business Science in Quantitative Finance
  17. Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting with Law
  18. Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science
  19. Bachelor of Commerce in Economics
  20. Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Statistics
  21. Bachelor of Commerce in Economics with Finance
  22. Bachelor of Commerce in Economics with Law
  23. Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accounting
  24. Bachelor of Commerce in Information systems
  25. Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems and Finance
  26. Bachelor of Commerce in Law
  27. Bachelor of Commerce in Management studies
  28. Bachelor of Commerce in Philosophy Politics and Economics
  29. Bachelor of Commerce in Quantitative Finance
  30. Bachelor of Laws
  31. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  32. Bachelor of Music
  33. Bachelor of Music in Dance
  34. Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics
  35. Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics
  36. Bachelor of Science in Archaeology
  37. Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics
  38. Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
  39. Bachelor of Science in Biology
  40. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
  41. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
  42. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Business Computing
  43. Bachelor of Science in Construction Studies
  44. Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Chemical Engineering
  45. Bachelor of Science in Genetics
  46. Bachelor of Science in Geography and Environmental Science
  47. Bachelor of Science in Geomatics
  48. Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy and Physiology
  49. Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
  50. Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Statistics
  51. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
  52. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
  53. Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering
  54. Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
  55. Bachelor of Science in Ocean and Atmosphere Science
  56. Bachelor of Science in Physics
  57. Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
  58. Bachelor of Science in Property Studies
  59. Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Biology
  60. Bachelor of Social Science in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  61. Bachelor of Social Work
  62. Bachelor of Speech‑Language Pathology and Audiology
  63. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
  64. Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Diploma Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. Advanced Diploma in Actuarial Science
  2. Advanced Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training
  3. Advanced Diploma in Cosmetic Formulation Science
  4. Advanced Diploma in Management Development
  5. Advanced Diploma in Music
  6. Advanced Diploma in Opera
  7. Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management
  8. Advanced Diploma in Theatre
  9. Diploma in Music Performance
  10. Diploma in Theatre and Performance

Certificate Short Courses and Programs offered at University of Cape Town (UCT)

  1. Advanced Certificate in Foundation Phase Teaching
  2. Advanced Certificate in Intermediate Phase Teaching in English First Additional Language and Mathematics
  3. Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Teaching in English First Additional Language
  4. Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Teaching in Mathematics
  5. Advanced Certificate in Senior Phase Teaching in Natural Sciences
  6. Advanced Certificate in Teaching
  7. Higher Certificate in Adult and Community Education in Adult Education and Training
  8. Higher Certificate in Disability Practice

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