1 | Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Natural Resources Management | - Presbyterian University College
2 | Bachelor of Science in Forest and Forest Resources Management | - University for Development Studies
3 | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resource Conservation and Management | - University for Development Studies
4 | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources Technology | - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
5 | Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources and Environment | - University for Development Studies
6 | Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management | - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
7 | Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management with Ecotourism | - University of Energy and Natural Resources
8 | Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management with Fisheries and Aquaculture | - University of Energy and Natural Resources
9 | Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management with Land Reclamation and Restoration | - University of Energy and Natural Resources
10 | Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management with Social Forestry | - University of Energy and Natural Resources
11 | Bachelor of Science in Wood Technology Education | - University of Education, Winneba