1 | Master of Arts in Religion, Peace and Conflict Resolution | - Islamic University in Uganda ( IUIU )
2 | Master of Arts in Religious and Theological Studies | - Makerere University ( MAK )
3 | Master of Arts in Religious Studies | - Kyambogo University ( KYU )
- Makerere University ( MAK )
4 | Master of Arts in Theology | - Uganda Christian University ( UCU )
5 | Master of Arts in Theology and Development | - Uganda Christian University ( UCU )
6 | Master of Arts in Theology and Healthcare Management | - Uganda Christian University ( UCU )
7 | Master of Arts in Theology with Focus on Islam for Mission and Ministry | - Uganda Christian University ( UCU )
8 | Master of Arts in Theology with Focus on Transformational Urban Leadership | - Uganda Christian University ( UCU )
9 | Master of Education in Religious Studies | - Kampala University ( KU )